Collaborate Ultra Intermittent Telephony Issues


Blackboard has released a fix for the Collaborate Ultra telephony issues (US and Canada) and is monitoring the results.


Blackboard has identified the cause of this issue and is working toward releasing a fix. Only anonymous dial-in callers are impacted. In session calling, using the number you see in your session, as well as in-session audio via the computer/mobile device are valid workarounds at this time. there is a problem, and we are working to resolve it.


Thursday, May 20, 2021 1:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) GMT -5 hours - Some attendees dialing into the Collaborate Ultra teleconference have been experiencing frequent audio reconnects during sessions. The session itself does not reconnect, nor does in-session audio. The Blackboard Collaborate SRE team is working with our teleconferencing vendor to investigate the issue. Please use in-session audio as a workaround at this time.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Academic Technologies
    • Blackboard Collaborate Ultra